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In this series of work, I use the abstracted morphology of both biological and geological structures to explore the idea of the (cellular) body as landscape. By conflating the structural and aesthetic qualities of both the microscopic and macroscopic form, I am able to create contrived landscapes that are intentionally ambiguous, resulting in forms that feel at once familiar and exotic. Often playing with the tension that exists in the struggle of opposites (positive and negative, constraint and abandon), I seek to accentuate the tenuous balance between order and chaos.  Representational elements inhabit eroded, desiccated landscapes, while in other areas thorny protrusions pierce the surface. Negative spaces, reminiscent at times of riverbeds or veins, often seem to struggle ineffectually against the precise, smooth areas surrounding them. These intricate sculptures with their pristinely carved forms convey an impression of scientific objectivity, while their large even monumental scale creates a contradictory sense of intimacy and wonder.

©2020 by Joshua Almond. All rights reserved.

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